Instant Oats

Let's try this instant oats simple yet healthy and delicious dish. 
Ingredients are : 

1 cup :Water 
4 tspn : Instant Oats 
1/8 tspn: Salt 

Steps : 

1. Heat water in pan for 2 mins. 
2. Add oats and salt, and keep stirring for some time. 
3. Cook for 5 mins to get it completely cooked. 
4. You can add more water if you need soupy consistency, or you can have it with thick consistency. And here you go. 
The very simple yet delicious oats is ready. 
Ready to eat Oats

Note : 
You can also add below things to the oats while cooking it and enjoy different flavors. 
1. To add up spice add a sliced green chilly to it. 
2. Add palak puree or cut it in very thin slices. 
3. Add grated beetroot. 
4. Add grated carrot.
