Onion bhajiya

It's raining outside and all I want is hot tea and some crispy bhajiya. So let's make it..

Ingredients : 
  • 4 big onions
  • 4 tblspn besan (gram flour)
  • 3/4 tspn salt
  • 3/4 tspn red chilly powder
  • 1/2 tspn turmeric
  • 3/4 tspn carrom seeds
  • 1/2 cup Coriander (optional)
  • 1/2 - 1 cup water
Onion Pakoda ingridients

Steps :
  1.  Slice all the onions and cut coriander if you wish to add it.
  2. In a big bowl take the onions, put besan, salt, turmeric, red chilly powder and carrom seeds.
  3. Mix well and now add water little by little. Onions will release water after some time, so dot not add much water as it won't taste good.
  4. Make sure everything is mixed properly and it's not at all watery. It should be thick mixture. Let this marinate for 10 - 15 mins.
  5. In a pan take enough oil for frying, heat it and keep the flame on medium.
  6. Put medium size bhajiya's in oil, fry it nice till you get nice golden brown colour.

Read Here : How to Make Maggie

And serve with chutney, tomato ketchup and tea.
Onion Pakoda

Note : 
You can add baking soda if you want. Just 3 4 pinch.
You can keep coriander optional.
Add salt and chilly as per your taste.
You can replace onion with cabbage and enjoy the same.
